Begging for bunnies

Begging for bunnies

Have you seen one of our furry friends? We are looking for photos that you have taken or any camera trap images of rabbits and hares in South Africa.

Zooming to train farmers

Zooming to train farmers

Critical work continues with the help of technology as our Drylands Conservation Programme recently held four online training webinars as part of their GEF 5 Sustainable Land Management Karoo Forever Project.

Finding gold in the dunes

Finding gold in the dunes

The Drylands Conservation Programme, with the help of Samantha Mynhardt from the University of Pretoria, will be taking on the exciting task of trying to find one of the most elusive animals in South Africa! The Van Zyl’s Golden Mole is known from only two locations, with the last found in 2003. More than 17 years later, we are on a quest to find them again.

Down to Earth

Down to Earth

The EWT’s Drylands Conservation Programme hosted a Google Earth Pro training course at the Loxton e-learning centre, for our AgriSETA learners and two Agricultural Advisors from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development working in our area. The AgriSETA students are completing their National Certificates in Animal Production through AgriSETA and facilitated by the EWT, while the International Agricultural Academy for Africa is the training implementer.

Habitat study helps solve the puzzle

Habitat study helps solve the puzzle

The EWT’s Drylands Conservation Programme recently joined forces with Dr Sue Milton, Karoo ecologist and botanist, to characterise Riverine Rabbit habitat in the Succulent Karoo and Renosterveld. Our aim is to understand the exact habitat requirements of Riverine Rabbits in the southern- and eastern populations.