EWT Drylands Conservation team participates in 2024 Fynbos Forum
Members of the Drylands Conservation Programme shared insights on golden mole conservation and community partnerships at the recent Fynbos Forum in Stellenbosch.
Members of the Drylands Conservation Programme shared insights on golden mole conservation and community partnerships at the recent Fynbos Forum in Stellenbosch.
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The Endangered Wildlife Trust celebrates World Environment Day 2024, highlighting the urgent need for habitat and land restoration to combat desertification and build drought resilience.
Discover the urgent need to balance nature and development in South Africa’s arid regions through sustainable practices and innovative conservation efforts.
On 29 November 2023, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and Re:wild announced the re-discovery of De Winton’s Golden Mole (Cryptochloris wintoni), and the story was received with great excitement all over the world as it steadily became one of the biggest conservation stories for 2023.