Adventurous Bateleur astounds conservationists

Adventurous Bateleur astounds conservationists

Conservationists from the EWT and its partners, the Chuilexi Conservancy, Niassa Carnivore Project, and WCS/ANAC from the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) in Mozambique were recently astounded when one of their tracked birds started exploring the wider Mozambique landscape.

A word from the CEO March 2023

A word from the CEO March 2023

When Clive Walker, Neville Anderson, and James Clarke registered the Endangered Wildlife Trust in 1973, They had no idea where it would go or what it would do for species and habitat conservation in the region. This year the Endangered Wildlife Trust commemorates 50 years of conservation excellence. The EWT has achieved remarkable gains for many species,

Saving species through habitat conservation: Sungazers

Saving species through habitat conservation: Sungazers

Sungazers are threatened because their virgin grassland habitat is being rapidly transformed for agricultural expansion, mining activities, overgrazing, and the collection of individuals for the pet trade or local traditional use.