Follow the incredible adventures and heroics of our field officers as they work to save species, conserve habitats, and benefit people throughout southern and East Africa

Cat Tails
Although Dinokeng Game Reserve management has reintroduced several historically occurring large mammals, its Cheetah reintroduction has been particularly successful. This must-tell story documents Dinokeng’s contribution

Catchups from the karoo
There are few undiscovered natural gems left out there. The Anysberg area is truly one of the most exciting and largely undiscovered gems in South Africa. It is also at the forefront of Riverine Rabbit conservation in the Karoo, South Africa.

Wild Dog relocation diaries
Recently, Derek van der Merwe and a dedicated team undertook an essential Wild Dog relocation in the Waterberg. This pack has been monitored over the last two years and at first consisted of just two individuals in the Vrymansrust area of the Waterberg.

A day in the life of a Craniac!
In the first week of June, I was able to return to the field following the easing of the national lockdown restrictions and it was a priority to drive some of the fixed monitoring routes that are driven every two months.