A Snaring Concern
Snaring, driven by the bushmeat trade, poses a severe threat to South Africa’s wildlife, but innovative solutions like anti-poaching canine units offer hope in combating this silent killer.
Snaring, driven by the bushmeat trade, poses a severe threat to South Africa’s wildlife, but innovative solutions like anti-poaching canine units offer hope in combating this silent killer.
The EWT and International Crane Foundation have launched a pioneering carbon offsetting project in the Drakensberg, protecting crane habitats while supporting sustainable land management and biodiversity.
The Widenham Wetland on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast has been formally declared a Protected Environment, marking a significant step in conserving the Endangered Pickersgill’s Reed Frog and enhancing the site’s ecological integrity.
The 2024 Africa Conservation Forum, organized by IUCN, featured a workshop on Nature-based Solutions, highlighting community conservation practices and the importance of integrating indigenous knowledge to address biodiversity and climate challenges across Africa
The Endangered Wildlife Trust’s National Biodiversity and Business Network hosted a pivotal workshop on International Day for Biological Diversity 2024, focusing on integrating biodiversity into business practices in South Africa.
The Endangered Wildlife Trust celebrates World Environment Day 2024, highlighting the urgent need for habitat and land restoration to combat desertification and build drought resilience.